My First Blog, an excerpt from 'Allow Right Now' webpage

Hello, my Name is Frankey Di Genova

Ever since I was a little child I knew I was a bit different from everyone else, I couldn’t relate the same way to things as my peers did. It wasn’t until later that I realized that I was more empathic than the norm. It took me a while to accept this and to stop punishing myself for not being like everyone else. I tried escaping any way I possibly could; I wrote short stories, poems, and then ultimately songs and music. I wanted to be a rock star.

My shield was humor, it protected me from others knowing that I was this emotional sponge; I couldn’t shut it off. I drank and partied like the rock star I wanted to be, but I fell deeper into solitude and despair… it didn’t work.

Right after high school I became a hairstylist, my father owned a salon; I was around it my whole life, so I figured I could do this until I figured out what I wanted to do.  Well I hid behind this identity since 1986 and currently now own the salon.

As much as I greatly disliked where I was, I learned about people, I helped them in many more ways than hair alone could afford. I had a place to finally use my compassion and understanding. I would often run out to the local spiritual bookstore many times daily (it was a very short walk from the salon.) There I found answers, which led to more and more questions and my thirst grew! I read about everything and anything.
In 1997 I completed Reiki I & II hoping my life would stop falling apart. Well, the pieces starting falling away even faster, my life was crumbling rapidly. I tried everything for liberation. I became a vegetarian, meditated for hours in front pictures of the great masters, demanding I see a sign, a miracle, something. I played the victim, the bully, the dealmaker and master manipulator. I tried everything and anything to try and sway God to take pity on me, at the least cut me some slack from this pain and suffering… nothing.
In 2003 I learned the ancient art of Indian Head Massage, in 2010 I revisited Reiki I & II and at last received my Reiki Master designation.  Shortly after, I learned an innovative Self-healing and healing modality called Sound Reiki, where sound, intention and tone are used for healing. In 2013 I completed the training and earned the recognition of Sound Reiki Master.
I can honestly say that over the course of my life I’ve met my shadow and lived through the darkest days of my soul. My life was filled with many painful experiences on so many different levels. I tried escaping any way I could, until I realized I couldn’t do it anymore… and then, I finally surrendered.
I know all that I have been through has prepared me for something greater, and to offer you a unique and most sincere combination of healing modalities that is ever expanding and evolving.
I look back now with gratitude and appreciation. Source has quite the humor.


Whatever it is that you desire to do, do it. No matter how scary it is. Your desire has to be greater than your fear of ‘what if?’ There is a saying, that what you seek is on the other side of your fear. Well this post and newly launched website is me doing just that.
See you on the other side.

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